
Un homenatge als que aprofiten el metro com a sala de lectura

Recuperem el projecte de l'alemanya Uli Beutter Cohen Subway Book Review, en què descriu els usuaris del metro de Nova York en funció dels llibres que llegeixen.


Jennifer: "I'm a master's student in human rights. I focus on forced migration and the challenges refugees face. I'm reading this book for school. What's interesting is that this topic has hit the news with the European crisis but it's been happening for years and years. It's not necessarily put in perspective with how many refugees are in Turkey, Jordan & Lebanon. If more countries took in refugees the crisis would be solved by now. I grew up as a Navy brat. My mom was in the reserves and became a commander. She was deployed at the height of the US presence in the Middle East. Wars and the effects of war have always interested me. I'd love to work in urban settings with refugees and make sure they have access to work and education." Reading: Forced Migration Law & Policy. @jenn_um #humanrights #education #refugees #newyork #manhattan #subwaybookreview

Una foto publicada por Subway Book Review (@subwaybookreview) el


Terrorist Assemblages; Homonationalism in Queer Times by Jasbir K. Puar. Molly: "I gave him this book as a romantic gesture. I've done that multiple times with other people before, but he knows that. I'm really bad at separating my academic life from my love life." Kareem: "We often read together but yes, you caught me reading to her just now. The book is a nonfiction piece about how nations have come to claim gay rights for their own agendas, which are often complicit in imperialist projects. It's a favorite book of Molly's. We share what we study and think about it together often." @mollytheo @discoasos #newyork #nyc #subwaybookreview #bookreview #subway #bookloversunite #author #jasbirpunar #homonationalism #gayrights #politics #readingisawesome #loveisawesome

Una foto publicada por Subway Book Review (@subwaybookreview) el

Ara que s'acosta Sant Jordi recuperem el projecte de l'alemanya Uli Beutter Cohen Subway Book Review, en què descriu els usuaris del metro de Nova York en funció dels llibres que llegeixen durant els seus trajectes suburbans.

En el seu blog hi ha recollit una extensa col·lecció de ressenyes escrites i publicades a Facebook, Instagram i Twitter a partir d'allò que li expliquen els novaiorquesos que es troba al metro. No només relaten les seves impressions del llibre, sinó també l'impacte que té en les seves vides.

Si us calen idees per a aquesta diada, no deixeu de fer-hi un cop d'ull.

Darrera modificació
dimarts, abril 19, 2016 - 08:19

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